Monday, October 13, 2008

Free Speech or Partisan Danger

Should clergy be allowed to endorse political candidates from the pulpit?


Freeman said...

no they shouldn't because many people believe that what they, a clergy, says they should believe in and follow. church and state should be seperate.

Matt said...

I dont think they should, its against the law and its just plain wrong. The churchs dont have any say in American politics. Saying who to vote for is like when people used to intimidate other people to change their ballot. Some people will call its "encouraging", that maybe so, but it will mess up the count for president, its supposed to be a persons choice of the candidate, not a divine thing saying vote for him if your christian or whatever religion you are.

Anonymous said...

I think they have their full right as citizens of the U.S. Endorsing a certain candidate is not a bad thing. These men (and sadly in some "Christian" denominations women) are supposed to lead their congregation to follow the truth. The Catholic Church for example does not endorse a candidate. That's not her charge. Nor do the bishops or priests. But they do warn the American church that if they vote for someone who stands for an issue contradictory to the Church's stance on it. The Church can't force anyone to vote one way or another. But when someone votes for a candidate, they show that they agree with them on certain topics. The Church, for example, teaches that if someone participates in an abortion whether by passing legislation protecting it, participating in one, recommending one, or even voting for a candidate who supports abortion automatically receives the just sentence of excommunication. They are barred from all of the sacraments (except confession) and not allowed to return until they recant their position. You might say this is unfair and that they can't do this. But one must realize that they are trying to walk over Church law and therefore receive punishment from the Church. Abortion is murder. The Catholic Church teaches that it's murder. And therefore if you have anything to do with someone getting an abortion you are cast away from the Catholic Church. The Church has its right to do this.

Michelle said...

no they shouldn't. i believe that this is against everything the church believes in. religion should have nothing to do with politics.

Brennen Clouse said...

I am not going to tell a clergy what they can do in their own church! If they have an opinion about who they are voting for that they would like to share with their fellow Christians, than go ahead and let them. If that is what God is telling them to say then they better say it! If they say it, it doesn't mean we have to listen or not listen! But the real question for me is "why are we endorsing people other than God from the pulpit?" I want to go to church to worship God, not hear about someone's opinions on voting!

rory"baseball"kling said...

I dont think so because, we are electing someone based more on the political aspects of the person, compared to the religious aspects, even though some people may vote for that candidate based on their choice of religion they believe in. It isn't right to vote for someone just based on what religion they believe in. And a clergy would tell the citizens to vote for whom that person believes is the best person for the president position mostly based on religious beliefs.

Anonymous said...

And I want to clarify my statement because I realize that it's not clear. One shouldn't be supporting someone from the pulpit. But they can support (or denounce) someone outside of their churches.

Anonymous said...

However, from the pulpit, I know of many priests and bishops who've reaffirmed the Church teaching that if one votes for a pro-choice candidate they commit a mortal sin and are also excommunicated (fyi a mortal sin is a sin so gruesome and disgusting to God that it literally kills the grace in a soul. This means that unless someone repents, they will go to hell if they die in this state).

Brittaney Medrano said...

I don't think so because its not right the churches they don't have any say in American politics so why should they should have something to say about the churches?

Duell said...

I don't think they should either something you should bring religion into such as the politics. I think that you should vote for the best person doesn't matter what religion they are.

Anonymous said...

It does matter what religion a person is Adam. A Hindu or a Buddhist will have different values than a Muslim or a Christian. We base our votes on our values. Take, for instance, if someone disagrees with my view on abortion, I'm not going to vote for them.

Linnsey said...

um, how about no they shouldn't influence the people in their church about voting, because people need to have their own minds and vote for who they want and not who their pastor says to vote for. have your own opinion people.

rome said...

I don't think they should allow it, churches should have no say in politics and government, because yeah just wrong and it will never be good if the church is involved in politics.

Cassie said...

no,because it is a person choice and he should be teaching you about God, not who to vote for.

Sallad said...

They do have the right to do so, and they should. (I support free speach very strongly). But, being in the position of power that person is in, you need to be careful. It is not right to mold someones thoughts around your own. people need to figure it out for themselves. so i guess i believe that they shouldn't.
...and i agree with Cassie, why is the clergy talking about politics anyway, shouldn't they be talking about God.

justin said...

i think that no they should get mixed up in politics they should be teaching the people about god not telling what they should and should not do.they should be teaching gods word.

justin said...
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justin said...
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justin said...
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justin said...
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danielle said...

Yes, pastors should be able to preach about whatever they feel is necessary. People are not being forced to attend that pastors church.

Erika G said...

No they should not. They are there to talk about God not Politics. It shouldn't matter what your religion is on who you vote for.

Devin Mangus said...

Why do we have to have discussions like this...let people do what they want. That is the problem with America, we are always worried about what someone else is doing when we should be worrying about ourselves. Since I have to choose a side, I believe that if the person, MALE or FEMALE, is standing up telling me how to live my life and is preaching to me, I will let them say whatever they want. They have went through the right channels to be where they are at, and if they are endorsing a candidate it is for a good reason. All we can tell is who they are going to vote for, and maybe if our "MALE or FEMALE" preacher endorses a person, "HE or SHE" is a good candidate. It could change my vote if my preachers feels it necessary to talk about politics, when people need saved.

erica fenner said...

people aren't forced to go to church and believe everything the pastor says. the pastor should be able to talk about anything he wants to. we don't have to agree with EVERYTHING that he says.

esam said...

Wow...I dont know i belive it both ways if the pastor wants to talk about voting and politics that is his/her choose and the people that go to that church they don;t have to listen or belive what he is say he is just stating his/her mind but also religion could get in the way on the peoples opinion but i belive they have the right to vote

Linnsey said...
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Andrew said...

no i don't think they should... religion shouldn't have anything to do with elections or any part of politics. everyone has there own views on religion and wont fallow a strick interpritation of it...

starzz said...

i think that the pastor should do what he feels is right, i think that it would be ok for the pastor to talk about who he was going to vote for but not to persuade the people of the church to vote one way or the other.

Anonymous said...

The pastor should have the right to speak his peace, but no one should be required to vote in the way in which the pastor voices. Forcing someone to vote in that way would create a cult... I mean seriously.

Brianna said...

Okay...I think that churches as a whole should not be allowed to endorse one candidate or another. Yes, it is the churches job to teach whats in the bible, but if you go to the church you should interpret what is in the bible for what you think it is and make a choice that influences your true feelings. See...since I don't go to church, I rely on my personal beliefs, who were taught to me by me, to direct my decisions. Members of the church I think should have the right to endorse a candidate, but I do not think they should preach to others about whom they should vote for, thats a personal freedom and a personal choice guarenteed by our government.

Anonymous said...

i think church and state should be seperate...there two totally differnet things in the world today

Travis said...

I dont know for sure . I think that it is something that we will never agree on so why are we going to fight over it?

little n.b. said...

i dont think they should because it's against the law. churches dont have anything to do with it. its a persons right.

Travis said...

And I totally agree with what Brennan said!!!!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with devin. People need to quit blowing everything out of proportion. I also agree that the preacher has an opinion and can denounce it if he likes. I don't think they should attack a candidate but support who they believe.

Clay Schilling said...

I believe that church and state should be seperate but a person will always use their morals for decisions that they make and many of their morals are based on religious belief.

V.J. said...

no they shouldn't. i believe that this is against everything the church believes in. religion should have nothing to do with politics. i dont think you should vote for a person just because of there religion.

Anonymous said...
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Tanner said...

The clergy has every right to endorse political candidates from the pulpit. People are not forced to go to any particular church, and the church cannot force anyone to vote a certain way. I do not think that they should spend the whole service on the topic, but if there is a need for it then that is what they should do. The pastor has been given that position, so let him use it. The values of different religions are different and they should tell people which candidates match up with their values. They can talk about political things.

Bryan G. said...

I think that they are entitled to express their political views just as much as the rest of us, however I do not believe they should do this from a church pulpit.

Keegan said...

no they shouldn't church is not about politics

Ryan Taylor said...

no i don't think they should... religion shouldn't have anything to do with elections or any part of politics. everyone has there own views on religion

D-Rew said...

They should be seperate because a strong presence of religion in politics is wrong! Many people have different thoughts and beliefs and it shouldnt interfere with the politics on the note that it would cause more problems than what it would solve.

Unknown said...

i do not think they should be able to preach about who they are voting for, that is not what church is about. People do not go to church to get political advice. They are trying to abuse their power.

Brooke said...

When I go to church the last thing I want to hear about or should hear about is politics, church is about worshiping god, not about who you should or should not vote for. I would be very very upset if my pastor was preaching to me to not vote for Barack Obama, to me the clergy is not doing there job by trying to persuade me and others during service on who to vote for. I extremely disagree.

Nelson said...
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Ben Waugh said...

Every person in this school, State ( with a big S), and country is allowed to speak there opinion any where that they do no force it on others. This includes preachers, pastors, fathers, nuns, a rabi, my mom, your mom, me and you! If a pastor feel the need to mix church and politics they must feel really strongly to put this risk out there! I think pastors are allowed to speak politically from the pulpit. In my personal opinion they shouldn't do it and if my pastor was to i would get up and leave why he was speaking. He has the right to say what he wants in his place of work, as do i have the right to walk out of this place.

Nelson said...

i think a pastor could suggest who to vote for, but they shouldnt tell you that you need to vote for this person.

Julica said...

no they shouldn't combine church and politics. Like Erika said they are there to learn about God and not to discuss politics.
Churches should be telling people what to believe when it comes to politics. It's like when we are in school teachers can tell us what they believe but they can't tell us what to believe.

Shelbi said...

Everyone is allowed to speak their mind and what they believe. But I don't think that a clergy should be able to stand at the pulpit and tell you who to vote for. We as Americans have the freedom to vote for whomever we feel is the best for the job. Religion should not get in on the politics because it would create a much bigger problems than the ones we already have.

Julica said...

I do agree with shelbi that everyone can speak their mind. and I don't think that they should tell you who you can vote for. so it's difficult.

kirsten dutton said...

I believe any clergyman can(& should) express his views to his congregation, although I do not believe he should force his opinions on them. He should give them advice derived from the bible on the candidates. (if that is necessary) But in no way should the people feel they should change their thoughts because of what their priest is saying!

Hollie said...

yes i think that a clergy can and should express there political views from the pulpit. but that does not mean people have to agree or even listen to them.

Chelsie Gausman said...

I agree with Brennen, I go to church to listen and learn about God, not politics. I get enough of that every other day of the week! I also believe that church and State should be separate at this point in time...but I do not believe it will happen...

Crystal C said...

i dont think the pastor should. but anyway i think people do not have to go to church and believe everything the pastor says if they don't want to

Whitney said...

Personally, I don't think clergy should talk about politics from the pulpit but I think it's alright for it to be allowed. Just as others have said, you don't have to agree with what the clergy says. They can't force you to vote one way or the other.

Taylor said...

I believe they should be able to share what each candidate stands for, which in turn could lead to endorsing a particular candidate. If a candidate stands for something the church doesn't, then the people of that church should know.

Shayla Matthews said...

I don't think they should talk about who to vote for when you're in church. but if they do you don't have to go vote for who they want. you have your own mind and can make your decisions on your own. but church should be about God not politics...

Shayla Matthews said...

I don't think they should talk about who to vote for when you're in church. but if they do you don't have to go vote for who they want. you have your own mind and can make your decisions on your own. but church should be about God not politics...

Melissa said...

I think you should be able to endorse whoever you want no matter what organization you are just because you don't not a taxed church doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to push whichever candidate you want.

Patrick said...

i think that clergy should not use there position in the church to persuade people to vote a certain way but i think it is ok for them to tell what you are supposed to believe and say who believes that and who believes the opposite but not demand they vote a certain way

Anonymous said...

the church shouldn't tell us who to vote for, they are a church and should tell us about GOD!!

Brittaney Medrano said...

I don't think they should because the church or religion has nothing to do with the election so they should just stay out of it.

Anonymous said...

They should have the right to talk about anything they want in the church. That is their free right and they shouldn't get in trouble for it. What would the world be like if we didn't have our free speech.